Using Terraform Outside the Core Workflow

Terraform is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool that allows developers to define, deploy, and manage infrastructure in a repeatable and efficient manner. While its primary workflow involves writing configuration files, planning, and applying changes, there are scenarios where additional commands and features become essential. In this article, we’ll explore:

  1. When and how to use terraform import to import existing infrastructure into your Terraform state.

  2. How to use terraform state commands to inspect and manipulate Terraform state.

  3. The role of verbose logging in debugging and troubleshooting Terraform workflows.

Each concept is explained with clear definitions and practical, real-time examples.

1. Using terraform import to Import Existing Infrastructure


The terraform import command allows you to bring infrastructure created outside of Terraform (e.g., manually, via other tools, or by third-party automation) under Terraform management. This command links existing resources to Terraform’s state without recreating them.

When to Use

  • Migrating manually created infrastructure to Terraform.

  • Incrementally adopting Terraform while managing existing resources.

  • Restoring Terraform state when it’s lost or corrupted.

Real-Time Example


You have an AWS S3 bucket named my-bucket that was created manually. You want to manage this bucket using Terraform.

Steps to Import:

  1. Initialize Terraform: Ensure your Terraform project is initialized:

     terraform init
  2. Run the Import Command: Import the S3 bucket into the Terraform state:

     terraform import aws_s3_bucket.my_bucket my-bucket
  3. Define the Resource: Add the following resource block to your Terraform configuration file:

     resource "aws_s3_bucket" "my_bucket" {
       bucket = "my-bucket"
  4. Verify State: Run terraform plan to ensure Terraform recognizes the resource without changes.


  • Seamlessly transition to Terraform management.

  • Avoid duplication or unintended resource recreation.

2. Using terraform state to View and Manipulate State


Terraform state is a critical file that tracks the resources managed by Terraform. The terraform state commands enable you to inspect, modify, and clean up the state when necessary.

When to Use

  • To view the list of resources managed by Terraform.

  • To debug discrepancies between configuration and real-world resources.

  • To remove orphaned resources from the state.

Real-Time Example


You want to inspect the state file to ensure an AWS EC2 instance is tracked correctly.

Steps to Use terraform state:

  1. List Resources: View all resources managed by Terraform:

     terraform state list

    Example Output:

  2. Inspect a Resource: Display details about a specific resource:

     terraform state show aws_instance.my_instance

    Example Output:

     # aws_instance.my_instance:
     resource "aws_instance" "my_instance" {
       instance_type = "t2.micro"
       ami           = "ami-12345678"
  3. Remove a Resource: To stop Terraform from managing a resource without deleting it:

     terraform state rm aws_instance.my_instance


  • Provides transparency into managed resources.

  • Enables fine-grained control over state.

3. Enabling Verbose Logging for Debugging


Terraform verbose logging provides detailed execution information, useful for diagnosing errors and understanding internal operations. This is achieved by setting the TF_LOG environment variable.

When to Use

  • Debugging failed Terraform commands.

  • Diagnosing provider or API issues.

  • Investigating unexpected plan or apply results.

Real-Time Example


Your terraform apply command is failing due to an AWS API timeout. You want to investigate the issue.

Steps to Enable Verbose Logging:

  1. Set the Logging Level: Enable debugging by setting the TF_LOG environment variable:

     export TF_LOG=DEBUG
  2. Run the Terraform Command: Execute the failing command:

     terraform apply
  3. Save Logs to a File: To avoid cluttering the terminal, save logs to a file:

     export TF_LOG_PATH=terraform-debug.log
     terraform apply
  4. Inspect the Logs: Open the log file to review:

     2024/11/12 10:23:45 [DEBUG] Request to AWS API: {"Action":"CreateBucket","Bucket":"my-bucket"}
     2024/11/12 10:23:46 [DEBUG] Response from AWS API: {"CreateBucketResponse":{"BucketName":"my-bucket"}}
  5. Disable Logging: After debugging, turn off verbose logging to avoid performance issues:

     unset TF_LOG
     unset TF_LOG_PATH


  • Provides deep insights into Terraform’s operations.

  • Helps pinpoint root causes of failures.

Summary Table

FeatureDefinitionReal-Time Example
terraform importImports existing resources into Terraform state.Importing an AWS S3 bucket named my-bucket for Terraform management.
terraform stateInspects and manipulates Terraform state.Using terraform state show to view details of an EC2 instance managed by Terraform.
Verbose LoggingEnables detailed logs for debugging and troubleshooting.Debugging API timeout issues by reviewing debug logs with TF_LOG=DEBUG.


Terraform’s extended commands and features—terraform import, terraform state, and verbose logging—offer enhanced control and flexibility beyond the core workflow. By mastering these tools, you can manage existing infrastructure, troubleshoot effectively, and ensure your Terraform projects run smoothly.